GROUP BY and aggregate sequential numeric values

Identifying non-consecutive values is always a bit tricky and involves several nested sub-queries (at least I cannot come up with a better solution).

The first step is to identify non-consecutive values for the year:

Step 1) Identify non-consecutive values

select company, 
          when row_number() over (partition by company, profession order by year) = 1 or 
               year - lag(year,1,year) over (partition by company, profession order by year) > 1 then 1
          else 0
       end as group_cnt
from qualification

This returns the following result:

 company | profession | year | group_cnt
 Google  | Programmer | 2000 |         1
 Google  | Sales      | 2000 |         1
 Google  | Sales      | 2001 |         0
 Google  | Sales      | 2002 |         0
 Google  | Sales      | 2004 |         1
 Mozilla | Sales      | 2002 |         1

Now with the group_cnt value we can create “group IDs” for each group that has consecutive years:

Step 2) Define group IDs

select company,
   sum(group_cnt) over (order by company, profession, year) as group_nr
from ( 
select company, 
          when row_number() over (partition by company, profession order by year) = 1 or 
               year - lag(year,1,year) over (partition by company, profession order by year) > 1 then 1
          else 0
       end as group_cnt
from qualification
) t1

This returns the following result:

 company | profession | year | group_nr
 Google  | Programmer | 2000 |        1
 Google  | Sales      | 2000 |        2
 Google  | Sales      | 2001 |        2
 Google  | Sales      | 2002 |        2
 Google  | Sales      | 2004 |        3
 Mozilla | Sales      | 2002 |        4
(6 rows)

As you can see each “group” got its own group_nr and this we can finally use to aggregate over by adding yet another derived table:

Step 3) Final query

select company,
       array_agg(year) as years
from (
  select company,
       sum(group_cnt) over (order by company, profession, year) as group_nr
  from ( 
    select company, 
              when row_number() over (partition by company, profession order by year) = 1 or 
                   year - lag(year,1,year) over (partition by company, profession order by year) > 1 then 1
              else 0
           end as group_cnt
    from qualification
  ) t1
) t2
group by company, profession, group_nr
order by company, profession, group_nr

This returns the following result:

 company | profession |      years
 Google  | Programmer | {2000}
 Google  | Sales      | {2000,2001,2002}
 Google  | Sales      | {2004}
 Mozilla | Sales      | {2002}
(4 rows)

Which is exactly what you wanted, if I’m not mistaken.

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