How do I find the last occurrence of a substring in a Swift string?

And if you want to replace the last substring in a string:

(Swift 3)

extension String
    func replacingLastOccurrenceOfString(_ searchString: String,
            with replacementString: String,
            caseInsensitive: Bool = true) -> String
        let options: String.CompareOptions
        if caseInsensitive {
            options = [.backwards, .caseInsensitive]
        } else {
            options = [.backwards]

        if let range = self.range(of: searchString,
                options: options,
                range: nil,
                locale: nil) {

            return self.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: replacementString)
        return self


let alphabet = "abc def ghi abc def ghi"
let result = alphabet.replacingLastOccurrenceOfString("ghi",
        with: "foo")


// "abc def ghi abc def foo"

Or, if you want to remove the last substring completely, and clean it up:

let result = alphabet.replacingLastOccurrenceOfString("ghi",
            with: "").trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)


// "abc def ghi abc def"

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