How do I listen for triple clicks in JavaScript?

You need to write your own triple-click implementation because no native event exists to capture 3 clicks in a row. Fortunately, modern browsers have event.detail, which the MDN documentation describes as:

A count of consecutive clicks that happened in a short amount of time, incremented by one.

This means you can simply check the value of this property and see if it is 3:

window.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
    if (evt.detail === 3) {
        alert('triple click!');

Working demo:

If you need support for IE 8, the best approach is to capture a double-click, followed by a triple-click — something like this, for example:

var timer,          // timer required to reset
    timeout = 200;  // timer reset in ms

window.addEventListener("dblclick", function (evt) {
    timer = setTimeout(function () {
        timer = null;
    }, timeout);
window.addEventListener("click", function (evt) {
    if (timer) {
        timer = null;

Working demo:

The reason for this is that old IE browsers will not fire two consecutive click events for a double click. Don’t forget to use attachEvent in place of addEventListener for IE 8.

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