Chrome Autofill/Autocomplete no value for password

This seems to be a bug in Chrome. When Chrome auto-fills a password on an initial page load (but not a refresh), the value appears in the form field on-screen, but querying passwordField.value in Javascript returns an empty string. If you depend on seeing that value in Javascript, this prevents you from doing so. Once the user does any other action on the page, such as clicking anywhere on the page, the value suddenly becomes visible to Javascript.

I’m not actually 100% sure if this is a bug, or if there is a security reason for doing this such as preventing a hidden frame from stealing your password by tricking the browser into filling it in.

A workaround that we have used is to detect the background color change that Chrome makes to fields that it has auto-filled. Chrome colors the background of auto-filled fields yellow, and this change is always visible to Javascript even when the value is not. Detecting this in Javascript lets us know that the field was auto-filled with a value, even though we see the value as blank in Javascript. In our case, we have a login form where the submit button is not enabled until you fill in something in the password field, and detecting either a value or the auto-fill background-color is good enough to determine that something is in the field. We can then enable the submit button, and clicking the button (or pressing enter) instantly makes the password field value visible to Javascript because interacting with the page fixes the problem, so we can proceed normally from there.

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