How do I use Browserify with external dependencies?

You can achieve that by using browserify-shim. Assuming that you’ve got a module named mymodule.js that depends on jQuery in the global scope with the following contents:

var $ = require('jQuery');

console.log(typeof $);
  1. Install browserify-shim:

    npm install browserify-shim --save-dev
  2. In package.json file, tell browserify to use browserify-shim as a transform:

        "browserify": {
            "transform": [ "browserify-shim" ]
  3. In package.json file, tell browserify-shim to map jQuery to the jQuery in the global scope:

        "browserify-shim": {
            "jQuery": "global:jQuery"
  4. Run browserify

    browserify mymodule.js > bundle.js

If you examine bundle.js you will notice that require('jQuery') is replaced with (window.jQuery).

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