How do you pass an object from form1 to form2 and back to form1?

What you need to do is create a second constructor to your second form that accepts an object as a parameter… for all I care, it could be the entire Form1 object instance, then you can get whatever you want from it. Preserve this object in your second form and modify it as needed there. Upon completion of your second form, your first form will have that data and you can do whatever “refreshing” once the second form closes.

public partial class YourSecondForm : Form
    object PreserveFromFirstForm;

    public YourSecondForm()
       ... its default Constructor...

    public YourSecondForm( object ParmFromFirstForm ) : this()
       this.PreserveFromFirstForm = ParmFromFirstForm;

    private void YourSecondFormMethodToManipulate()
       // you would obviously have to type-cast the object as needed
       // but could manipulate whatever you needed for the duration of the second form.
       this.PreserveFromFirstForm.Whatever = "something";


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