How does one sort a multi dimensional array by multiple columns in JavaScript?

The array literal [] is preferred over new Array. The notation {0,4,3,1} is not valid and should be [0,4,3,1].

Is there a need for reinventing the wheel? Two arrays can be joined using:

originalArray = originalArray.concat(addArray);

Elements can be appended to the end using:


Arrays have a method for sorting the array. By default, it’s sorted numerically:

// sort elements numerically
var array = [1, 3, 2];
array.sort(); // array becomes [1, 2, 3]

Arrays can be reversed as well. Continuing the previous example:

array = array.reverse(); //yields [3, 2, 1]

To provide custom sorting, you can pass the optional function argument to array.sort():

array = [];
array[0] = [1, "first element"];
array[1] = [3, "second element"];
array[2] = [2, "third element"];
array.sort(function (element_a, element_b) {
    return element_a[0] - element_b[0];
/** array becomes (in order):
 * [1, "first element"]
 * [2, "third element"]
 * [3, "second element"]

Elements will retain their position if the element equals an other element. Using this, you can combine multiple sorting algoritms. You must apply your sorting preferences in reverse order since the last sort has priority over previous ones. To sort the below array by the first column (descending order) and then the second column (ascending order):

array = [];
array.push([1, 2, 4]);
array.push([1, 3, 3]);
array.push([2, 1, 3]);
array.push([1, 2, 3]);
// sort on second column
array.sort(function (element_a, element_b) {
    return element_a[1] - element_b[1];
// sort on first column, reverse sort
array.sort(function (element_a, element_b) {
    return element_b[0] - element_a[0];
/** result (note, 3rd column is not sorted, so the order of row 2+3 is preserved)
 * [2, 1, 3]
 * [1, 2, 4] (row 2)
 * [1, 2, 3] (row 3)
 * [1, 3, 3]

To sort latin strings (i.e. English, German, Dutch), use String.localeCompare:

array.sort(function (element_a, element_b) {
    return element_a.localeCompare(element_b);

To sort date’s from the Date object, use their milliseconds representation:

array.sort(function (element_a, element_b) {
    return element_a.getTime() - element_b.getTime();

You could apply this sort function to all kind of data, just follow the rules:

x is the result from comparing two values which should be returned by a function passed to array.sort.

  1. x < 0: element_a should come before element_b
  2. x = 0: element_a and element_b are equal, the elements are not swapped
  3. x > 0: element_a should come after element_b

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