How to add Rowspan in JQuery datatables

Datatables does not support this kind of grouping out of the box.
But, as in many cases, there is a plugin available.

It is called RowsGroup and is located here: Datatables Forums. A live example is also included.

If you change the JS part in this example to the below you will have your desired output presented to you in the output window.

$(document).ready( function () {
  var data = [
    ['1', 'David', 'Maths', '80'],
    ['1', 'David', 'Physics', '90'],
    ['1', 'David', 'Computers', '70'],
    ['2', 'Alex', 'Maths', '80'],
    ['2', 'Alex', 'Physics', '70'],
    ['2', 'Alex', 'Computers', '90'],
  var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    columns: [
            name: 'first',
            title: 'ID',
            name: 'second',
            title: 'Name',
            title: 'Subject',
            title: 'Marks',
    data: data,
    rowsGroup: [
    pageLength: '20',
} );

Here is a screenshot of the result:

enter image description here

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