Appended new row is not behaving like previous one (row)

There are several issues with your code

The two most important are

  • You use multiple elements with the same id. But ids must be unique. JavaScript/jQuery will always use the first element with the id if multiple elements have the same (CSS is different). I used name instead of id here
  • You add event listeners to elements, which are not there at run-time. Only the first input-row is created, when you listen to the focusout events. I listen to the focusout event on the whole document. If you focus out of an input, the event will bubble up to the document, where I decide, what to do based on the event’s target property.

I restructured your code a bit and made some improvements, but it’s far from perfect.

"use strict";

const data = [ //data to populate Item Name search input field
  {"ItemName": "Butter"},
  {"ItemName": "Rice"},
  {"ItemName": "Milk"},
  {"ItemName": "Ice Cream"},
  {"ItemName": "Curd"}

const data1 = {// this data will be dynamic but for now to test i am using this single data
  butter: { 
    "ItemName": "Butter",
    "ItemCode": 400564,
    "PurRate": 8,
    "DiscAmt": 6,
    "gstPercentage": 35,
    "gstAmt": 5
  rice: { 
    "ItemName": "Rice",
    "ItemCode": 400565,
    "PurRate": 3,
    "DiscAmt": 2,
    "gstPercentage": 20,
    "gstAmt": 8
  milk: { 
    "ItemName": "Milk",
    "ItemCode": 200569,
    "PurRate": 1,
    "DiscAmt": 1,
    "gstPercentage": 50,
    "gstAmt": 2
  'ice cream': { 
    "ItemName": "Ice cream",
    "ItemCode": 800002,
    "PurRate": 16,
    "DiscAmt": 2,
    "gstPercentage": 15,
    "gstAmt": 2
  curd: { 
    "ItemName": "Curd",
    "ItemCode": 100289,
    "PurRate": 9,
    "DiscAmt": 1,
    "gstPercentage": 12,
    "gstAmt": 4

var totalAmount = "";
var unitQuantity = "";

function rowappend(tbody) {// this one is appending row{
  const markup = 
    <input type="text" class="form-control commantd" name="itemNametd">
  <td name="itemCodetd" class="commantd"></td>
    <input type="text" class="form-control commantd" name="unitQtytd">
  <td name="purRatetd" class="commantd"></td>
    <input type="text" class="form-control commantd" name="discPercentagetd">
  <td name="discAmttd" class="commantd"></td> 
  <td name="gstPercentagetd" class="commantd"></td>
  <td name="gstAmttd" class="commantd"></td>
  <td name="totalAmttd" class="commantd"></td>
  setTimeout(() => $("[name=itemNametd]", tbody).last().focus(), 100);

  const itemName = => { //using autocomplete to for searching input field
    return value.ItemName;
  $("[name=itemNametd]", tbody).last().autocomplete({
    source: itemName
rowappend($('tbody', '#tableInvoice'))

function getValues(row) {
  const search = ($('[name=itemNametd]', row).val()).toString()
  const value = data1[search.toLowerCase()];
  if (value) {

function calc(row) {
  const unitQuantity = $(row).find("[name=unitQtytd]").val();
  const purchaseRate = $(row).find("[name=purRatetd]").text();
  const totalAmount = (parseInt(unitQuantity) * parseInt(purchaseRate));

$(document).on('focusout', (e) => {
  const row =
  if ('[name=discPercentagetd]')) {
    if ($(row).parent().find('tr').length - $(row).index() === 1) { // only last row
  if ('[name=unitQtytd]')) {

  if ("[name=itemNametd]")) {

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div class="container commonDivInvoice">
  <div class="row tableInvoice" id="commonDvScroll">
    <table class="table table-bordered" id="tableInvoice">
          <th id="itemNameth" class="commanth">Item Name</th>
          <th id="itemCodeth" class="commanth">Item Code</th>
          <th id="unitQtyth" class="commanth">Unit Qty</th>
          <th id="purRateth" class="commanth">Pur.Rate</th>
          <th id="discPercentageth" class="commanth">Disc%</th>
          <th id="discAmtth" class="commanth">Disc Amt</th>
          <th id="gstPercentageth" class="commanth">Gst%</th>
          <th id="gstAmtth" class="commanth">Gst Amt</th>
          <th id="totalAmtth" class="commanth">Total Amount</th>




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