How to bind an object list with thymeleaf?

You need a wrapper object to hold the submited data, like this one:

public class ClientForm {
    private ArrayList<String> clientList;

    public ArrayList<String> getClientList() {
        return clientList;

    public void setClientList(ArrayList<String> clientList) {
        this.clientList = clientList;

and use it as the @ModelAttribute in your processQuery method:

@RequestMapping(value="/submitQuery", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processQuery(@ModelAttribute ClientForm form, Model model){

Moreover, the input element needs a name and a value. If you directly build the html, then take into account that the name must be clientList[i], where i is the position of the item in the list:

<tr th:each="currentClient, stat : ${clientList}">         
    <td><input type="checkbox" 
            th:checked="${currentClient.selected}" />
     <td th:text="${currentClient.getClientID()}" ></td>
     <td th:text="${currentClient.getIpAddress()}"></td>
     <td th:text="${currentClient.getDescription()}" ></td>

Note that clientList can contain null at
intermediate positions. Per example, if posted data is:

clientList[1] = 'B'
clientList[3] = 'D'

the resulting ArrayList will be: [null, B, null, D]


In my exmple above, ClientForm is a wrapper for List<String>. But in your case ClientWithSelectionListWrapper contains ArrayList<ClientWithSelection>. Therefor clientList[1] should be clientList[1].clientID and so on with the other properties you want to sent back:

<tr th:each="currentClient, stat : ${wrapper.clientList}">
    <td><input type="checkbox" th:name="|clientList[${stat.index}].clientID|"
            th:value="${currentClient.getClientID()}" th:checked="${currentClient.selected}" /></td>
    <td th:text="${currentClient.getClientID()}"></td>
    <td th:text="${currentClient.getIpAddress()}"></td>
    <td th:text="${currentClient.getDescription()}"></td>

I’ve built a little demo, so you can test it:

public class Application {      
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

public class ClientWithSelection {
   private Boolean selected;
   private String clientID;
   private String ipAddress;
   private String description;

   public ClientWithSelection() {

   public ClientWithSelection(Boolean selected, String clientID, String ipAddress, String description) {
      this.selected = selected;
      this.clientID = clientID;
      this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
      this.description = description;

   /* Getters and setters ... */

public class ClientWithSelectionListWrapper {

   private ArrayList<ClientWithSelection> clientList;

   public ArrayList<ClientWithSelection> getClientList() {
      return clientList;
   public void setClientList(ArrayList<ClientWithSelection> clients) {
      this.clientList = clients;

class TestController {

   private ArrayList<ClientWithSelection> allClientsWithSelection = new ArrayList<ClientWithSelection>();

   public TestController() {
      /* Dummy data */
      allClientsWithSelection.add(new ClientWithSelection(false, "1", "", "Client A"));
      allClientsWithSelection.add(new ClientWithSelection(false, "2", "", "Client B"));
      allClientsWithSelection.add(new ClientWithSelection(false, "3", "", "Client C"));
      allClientsWithSelection.add(new ClientWithSelection(false, "4", "", "Client D"));

   String index(Model model) {

      ClientWithSelectionListWrapper wrapper = new ClientWithSelectionListWrapper();
      model.addAttribute("wrapper", wrapper);

      return "test";

   @RequestMapping(value = "/query/submitQuery", method = RequestMethod.POST)
   public String processQuery(@ModelAttribute ClientWithSelectionListWrapper wrapper, Model model) {

      System.out.println(wrapper.getClientList() != null ? wrapper.getClientList().size() : "null list");

      model.addAttribute("wrapper", wrapper);

      return "test";


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <form action="#" th:action="@{/query/submitQuery}" th:object="${wrapper}" method="post">

      <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
               <th>Client ID</th>
               <th>IP Addresss</th>
            <tr th:each="currentClient, stat : ${wrapper.clientList}">
               <td><input type="checkbox" th:name="|clientList[${stat.index}].clientID|"
                  th:value="${currentClient.getClientID()}" th:checked="${currentClient.selected}" /></td>
               <td th:text="${currentClient.getClientID()}"></td>
               <td th:text="${currentClient.getIpAddress()}"></td>
               <td th:text="${currentClient.getDescription()}"></td>
      <button type="submit" value="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit</button>



Below is the same example using th:field and sending back all other attributes as hidden values.

    <tr th:each="currentClient, stat : *{clientList}">
          <input type="checkbox" th:field="*{clientList[__${stat.index}__].selected}" />
          <input type="hidden" th:field="*{clientList[__${stat.index}__].clientID}" />
          <input type="hidden" th:field="*{clientList[__${stat.index}__].ipAddress}" />
          <input type="hidden" th:field="*{clientList[__${stat.index}__].description}" />
       <td th:text="${currentClient.getClientID()}"></td>
       <td th:text="${currentClient.getIpAddress()}"></td>
       <td th:text="${currentClient.getDescription()}"></td>               

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