How to make HTTP POST request with url encoded body in flutter?

You need to add three additional steps:
First, you need to convert the JSON map to a String (using json.encode)
Then you need to Uri encode it if you want to send it as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Lastly, you need to give the parameter that you are posting a name.

For example (note, this is using the dart:io HttpClient, but it’s basically the same):

  Future<HttpClientResponse> foo() async {
    Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = {
      'homeTeam': {'team': 'Team A'},
      'awayTeam': {'team': 'Team B'},
    String jsonString = json.encode(jsonMap); // encode map to json
    String paramName="param"; // give the post param a name
    String formBody = paramName + '=' + Uri.encodeQueryComponent(jsonString);
    List<int> bodyBytes = utf8.encode(formBody); // utf8 encode
    HttpClientRequest request =
        await, _port, '/a/b/c');
    // it's polite to send the body length to the server
    request.headers.set('Content-Length', bodyBytes.length.toString());
    // todo add other headers here
    return await request.close();

The above is for the dart:io version (which, of course, you can use in Flutter)
If you would like to stick with the package:http version, then you need to tweak your Map a bit. body must be a Map<String, String>. You need to decide what you want as your POST parameters. Do you want two: homeTeam and awayTeam? or one, say, teamJson?

This code

  Map<String, String> body = {
    'name': 'doodle',
    'color': 'blue',
    'homeTeam': json.encode(
      {'team': 'Team A'},
    'awayTeam': json.encode(
      {'team': 'Team B'},

  Response r = await post(
    body: body,

produces this on the wire


alternatively, this

  Map<String, String> body = {
    'name': 'doodle',
    'color': 'blue',
    'teamJson': json.encode({
      'homeTeam': {'team': 'Team A'},
      'awayTeam': {'team': 'Team B'},

  Response r = await post(
    body: body,

produces this on the wire


the package:http client takes care of: encoding the Uri.encodeQueryComponent, utf8 encoding (note that that’s the default, so no need to specify it) and sending the length in the Content-Length header. You must still do the json encoding.

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