How to change memory per node for apache spark worker

When using 1.0.0+ and using spark-shell or spark-submit, use the --executor-memory option. E.g.

spark-shell --executor-memory 8G ...

0.9.0 and under:

When you start a job or start the shell change the memory. We had to modify the spark-shell script so that it would carry command line arguments through as arguments for the underlying java application. In particular:

$FWDIR/bin/spark-class $OPTIONS org.apache.spark.repl.Main "$@"

Then we can run our spark shell as follows:

spark-shell -Dspark.executor.memory=6g

When configuring it for a standalone jar, I set the system property programmatically before creating the spark context and pass the value in as a command line argument (I can make it shorter than the long winded system props then).

System.setProperty("spark.executor.memory", valueFromCommandLine)

As for changing the default cluster wide, sorry, not entirely sure how to do it properly.

One final point – I’m a little worried by the fact you have 2 nodes with 2GB and one with 6GB. The memory you can use will be limited to the smallest node – so here 2GB.

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