How to check if a string is a valid hex color representation?


To elaborate:

^ -> match beginning
# -> a hash
[0-9A-F] -> any integer from 0 to 9 and any letter from A to F
{6} -> the previous group appears exactly 6 times
$ -> match end
i -> ignore case

If you need support for 3-character HEX codes, use the following:


The only difference here is that


is replaced with


This means that instead of matching exactly 6 characters, it will match exactly 3 characters, but only 1 or 2 times. Allowing ABC and AABBCC, but not ABCD

Combined solution :

var reg=/^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
console.log(reg.test('#ABC')); //true
console.log(reg.test('#AABBCC')); //true

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