How to configure Core server routing for multiple SPAs hosted with SpaServices

Thanks to SteveSandersonMS and chris5287 over on Github for pointing me towards the solution on this.

IApplicationBuilder.Map can segregate paths into different areas of concern. If you wrap a call to app.UseSpa in a call to app.Map, the SPA will be handled only for the path specified by the Map call. The app.UseSpa call ends up looking like:

app.Map("/app1", app1 =>
    app1.UseSpa(spa =>
        // To learn more about options for serving an Angular SPA from ASP.NET Core,
        // see

        spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp";

        spa.UseSpaPrerendering(options =>
            options.BootModulePath = $"{spa.Options.SourcePath}/dist-server/main.bundle.js";
            options.BootModuleBuilder = env.IsDevelopment()
                ? new AngularCliBuilder(npmScript: "build:ssr:en")
                : null;
            options.ExcludeUrls = new[] { "/sockjs-node" };
            options.SupplyData = (context, data) =>
                data["foo"] = "bar";

        if (env.IsDevelopment())
            spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start --app=app1 --base-href= --serve-path=/");

You can make as many calls to app.Map as necessary to configure your SPAs. Also note the modification to the spa.UseAngularCliServer call at the end: you will need to set --base-href and --serve-path to match your particular config.

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