Export html to pdf in ASP.NET Core

You can use jsreport .net sdk if you are in .net core 2.0 also without more complex node services. This includes among other features filters to convert your existing razor views into pdf. From the docs:

Install nugets jsreport.Binary, jsreport.Local and jsreport.AspNetCore

In you Startup.cs configure it as the following

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddJsReport(new LocalReporting()

Then you need to add MiddlewareFilter attribute to the particular action and specify which conversion you want to use. In this case html to pdf conversion.

public IActionResult Invoice()
    return View();

You can reach bunch of other options for headers, footers or page layout on JsReportFeature(). Note that the same way you can also produce excel files from html. See more information in the documentation.

PS: I’m the author of jsreport.

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