How to create SSH tunnel using PuTTY in Windows?

With the PuTTY suite, you can set up a tunnel either using the PuTTY itself (GUI) or using the command-line tool plink.exe.

With the plink.exe, you use the same arguments as with the OpenSSH ssh, except for the -f, which does not have an equivalent in Windows.

plink.exe -N -L 2000:SomeIp:2000 myusername@myLinuxBox

Reference: Using the command-line connection tool Plink

With the PuTTY, the -L 2000:SomeIp:2000 translates to:

PuTTY tunnel settings

So it’s actually, what you claim to have tried. If you have any problems, use the PuTTY event log to investigate:

PuTTY event log

The -N translates to the option “Don’t start a shell or command at all”.

PuTTY option Don't start a shell or command at all

But it probably does not make sense with a GUI client to enable it, as you get a window anyway, you just cannot do anything with it. See also the PuTTY wish no-terminal-window.

If you are going to use the tunnel to connect with PuTTY to another server, you can actually set up the tunnel as a part of the session settings with use of plink as a proxy, see: PuTTY configuration equivalent to OpenSSH ProxyCommand.

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