How to delete Duplicates in MySQL table

Many ways lead to Rome. This is one. It is very fast. So you can use it with big databases. Don’t forget the indeces.
The trick is: make phoneNo unique and use “ignore”.

drop table if exists bkPhone_template;
create table bkPhone_template (
         phoneNo varchar(20),
         firstName varchar(20),
         lastName varchar(20)

insert into bkPhone_template values('0783313780','Brady','Kelly');
 insert into bkPhone_template values('0845319792','Mark','Smith');
 insert into bkPhone_template values('0834976958','Bill','Jones');
 insert into bkPhone_template values('0845319792','Mark','Smith');
 insert into bkPhone_template values('0828329792','Mickey','Mouse');
 insert into bkPhone_template values('0834976958','Bill','Jones');

drop table if exists bkPhone;
create table bkPhone like bkPhone_template;
alter table bkPhone add unique (phoneNo);

insert  ignore into bkPhone (phoneNo,firstName,lastName) select phoneNo,firstName,lastName from bkPhone_template;

drop table bkPhone_template;

If the data table already exists, then you only have to run a create table select with a following insert ignore select. At the end you have to run some table renaming statements. That’s all.

This workaround is much,much faster then a delete operation.

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