Pass a two dimensional array to a function of constant parameter

This is an unfortunate “bug” in C’s design; T (*p)[N] does not implicitly convert to T const (*p)[N]. You will have to either use an ugly cast, or have the function parameter not accept const.

At first sight it looks like this conversion should be legal. C11

For any qualifier q, a pointer to a non-q-qualified type may be converted to a pointer to the q-qualified version of the type;

However also look at C11 6.7.3/9 (was /8 in C99):

If the specification of an array type includes any type qualifiers, the element type is so-qualified, not the array type.

This last quote says that int const[4] is not considered to be a const-qualified version of int[4]. Actually it is a non-const-qualified array of 4 const ints. int[4] and int const[4] are arrays of different element types.

So does not in fact permit int (*)[4] to be converted to int const (*)[4].

Another weird situation where this issue with const and arrays shows up is when typedefs are in use; for example:

typedef int X[5];
void func1( X const x );
void func1( int const x[5] );

This would cause a compiler error: X const x means that x is const, but it is pointing to an array of non-const ints; whereas int const x[5] means x is not const but it is pointing to an array of const ints!

Further reading here, thanks to @JensGustedt

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