How to enable enum inheritance

You cannot have an enum extend another enum, and you cannot “add” values to an existing enum through inheritance.

However, enums can implement interfaces.

What I would do is have the original enum implement a marker interface (i.e. no method declarations), then your client could create their own enum implementing the same interface.

Then your enum values would be referred to by their common interface.

In order to strenghten the requirements, you could have your interface declare relevant methods, e.g. in your case, something in the lines of public String getHTTPMethodType();.

That would force implementing enums to provide an implementation for that method.

This setting coupled with adequate API documentation should help adding functionality in a relatively controlled way.

Self-contained example (don’t mind the lazy names here)

package test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<HTTPMethodConvertible> blah = new ArrayList<>();
        for (HTTPMethodConvertible element: blah) {

    static interface HTTPMethodConvertible {
        public String getHTTPMethodType();
    static enum LibraryEnum implements HTTPMethodConvertible {
        String httpMethodType;
        LibraryEnum(String s) {
            httpMethodType = s;
        public String getHTTPMethodType() {
            return httpMethodType;
    static enum ClientEnum implements HTTPMethodConvertible {
        String httpMethodType;
        ClientEnum(String s){
            httpMethodType = s;
        public String getHTTPMethodType() {
            return httpMethodType;



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