How to flatten all items from a nested Java Collection into a single List?

Assuming that you use Java 8, you could do that with the Stream API thanks to the method flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper) as next:

// 1. Convert the Set as a Stream of List<Map<String, List<Object>>>
// 2. Extract the elements of the lists to get a Stream of Map<String, List<Object>>
// 3. Extract values of the maps to get a Stream of List<Object>
// 4. Extract the elements of the lists to get a Stream of Object
// 5. Get rid of duplicates
// 6. Collect the result as a List of Object
List<Object> result =
    .flatMap(m -> m.values().stream())

<R> Stream<R> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends
R>> mapper)

Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element
of this stream with the contents of a mapped stream produced by
applying the provided mapping function to each element. Each mapped
stream is closed after its contents have been placed into this stream.
(If a mapped stream is null an empty stream is used, instead.)

For previous versions of Java, you can still use FluentIterable from Google Guava to replace the Stream and use transformAndConcat(Function<? super E,? extends Iterable<? extends T>> function) instead of flatMap to flatten your collection.

The previous code snippet would then be rewritten as next:

List<Object> result =
    new ArrayList<>(
        new LinkedHashSet<>(
                    new Function<List<Map<String, List<Object>>>, Iterable<Map<String, List<Object>>>> () {
                        public Iterable<Map<String, List<Object>>> apply(final List<Map<String, List<Object>>> input) {
                            return input;
                    new Function<Map<String, List<Object>>, Iterable<List<Object>>> () {
                        public Iterable<List<Object>> apply(final Map<String, List<Object>> input) {
                            return input.values();
                    new Function<List<Object>, Iterable<Object>> () {
                        public Iterable<Object> apply(final List<Object> input) {
                            return input;

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