How to get efficient Sql Server deadlock handling in C# with ADO?

First, I would review my SQL 2000 code and get to the bottom of why this deadlock is happening. Fixing this may be hiding a bigger problem (Eg. missing index or bad query).

Second I would review my architecture to confirm the deadlocking statement really needs to be called that frequently (Does select count(*) from bob have to be called 100 times a second?).

However, if you really need some deadlock support and have no errors in your SQL or architecture try something along the following lines. (Note: I have had to use this technique for a system supporting thousands of queries per second and would hit deadlocks quite rarely)

int retryCount = 3;
bool success = false;  
while (retryCount > 0 && !success) 
     // your sql here
     success = true; 
  catch (SqlException exception)
     if (exception.Number != 1205)
       // a sql exception that is not a deadlock 
     // Add delay here if you wish. 
     if (retryCount == 0) throw;

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