How to get multiple values from an object using a single stream operation?

JDK 12 and above has Collectors.teeing (webrev and CSR), which collects to two different collectors and then merges both partial results into a final result.

You could use it here to collect to two IntSummaryStatistics for both the x coordinate and the y coordinate:

List<IntSummaryStatistics> stats =
             Collectors.mapping(p -> p.x, Collectors.summarizingInt()),
             Collectors.mapping(p -> p.y, Collectors.summarizingInt()),

int minX = stats.get(0).getMin();
int maxX = stats.get(0).getMax();
int minY = stats.get(1).getMin();
int maxY = stats.get(1).getMax();

Here the first collector gathers statistics for x and the second one for y. Then, statistics for both x and y are merged into a List by means of the JDK 9 List.of factory method that accepts two elements.

An aternative to List::of for the merger would be:

(xStats, yStats) -> Arrays.asList(xStats, yStats)

If you happen to not have JDK 12 installed on your machine, here’s a simplified, generic version of the teeing method that you can safely use as a utility method:

public static <T, A1, A2, R1, R2, R> Collector<T, ?, R> teeing(
        Collector<? super T, A1, R1> downstream1,
        Collector<? super T, A2, R2> downstream2,
        BiFunction<? super R1, ? super R2, R> merger) {

    class Acc {
        A1 acc1 = downstream1.supplier().get();
        A2 acc2 = downstream2.supplier().get();

        void accumulate(T t) {
            downstream1.accumulator().accept(acc1, t);
            downstream2.accumulator().accept(acc2, t);

        Acc combine(Acc other) {
            acc1 = downstream1.combiner().apply(acc1, other.acc1);
            acc2 = downstream2.combiner().apply(acc2, other.acc2);
            return this;

        R applyMerger() {
            R1 r1 = downstream1.finisher().apply(acc1);
            R2 r2 = downstream2.finisher().apply(acc2);
            return merger.apply(r1, r2);

    return Collector.of(Acc::new, Acc::accumulate, Acc::combine, Acc::applyMerger);

Please note that I’m not considering the characteristics of the downstream collectors when creating the returned collector.

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