How to import members of all modules within a package?

I want the members of all modules in package to be in package’s
namespace, and I do not want the modules themselves to be in the

I was able to do that by adapting something I’ve used in Python 2 to automatically import plug-ins to also work in Python 3.

In a nutshell, here’s how it works:

  1. The package’s file imports all the other Python files in the same package directory except for those whose names start with an '_' (underscore) character.

  2. It then adds any names in the imported module’s namespace to that of __init__ module’s (which is also the package’s namespace). Note I had to make the example_module module explicitly import foo from the .foo_module.

One important aspect of doing things this way is realizing that it’s dynamic and doesn’t require the package module names to be hardcoded into the file. Of course this requires more code to accomplish, but also makes it very generic and able to work with just about any (single-level) package — since it will automatically import new modules when they’re added and no longer attempt to import any removed from the directory.

from package import *


def _import_all_modules():
    """ Dynamically imports all modules in this package. """
    import traceback
    import os
    global __all__
    __all__ = []
    globals_, locals_ = globals(), locals()

    # Dynamically import all the package modules in this file's directory.
    for filename in os.listdir(__name__):
        # Process all python files in directory that don't start
        # with underscore (which also prevents this module from
        # importing itself).
        if filename[0] != '_' and filename.split('.')[-1] in ('py', 'pyw'):
            modulename = filename.split('.')[0]  # Filename sans extension.
            package_module=".".join([__name__, modulename])
                module = __import__(package_module, globals_, locals_, [modulename])
            for name in module.__dict__:
                if not name.startswith('_'):
                    globals_[name] = module.__dict__[name]


def foo(bar):
    return bar

from .foo_module import foo  # added

def example(arg):
    return foo(arg)

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