How to know the repeating decimal in a fraction?

A very simple algorithm is this: implement long division. Record every intermediate division you do. As soon as you see a division identical to the one you’ve done before, you have what’s being repeated.

Example: 7/13.

1. 13 goes into   7 0 times with remainder  7; bring down a 0.
2. 13 goes into  70 5 times with remainder  5; bring down a 0.
3. 13 goes into  50 3 times with remainder 11; bring down a 0.
4. 13 goes into 110 8 times with remainder  6; bring down a 0.
5. 13 goes into  60 4 times with remainder  8; bring down a 0.
6. 13 goes into  80 6 times with remainder  2; bring down a 0.
7. 13 goes into  20 1 time  with remainder  7; bring down a 0.
8. We have already seen 13/70 on line 2; so lines 2-7 have the repeating part

The algorithm gives us 538461 as the repeating part. My calculator says 7/13 is 0.538461538. Looks right to me! All that remains are implementation details, or to find a better algorithm!

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