Importing CSV data into C# classes

For a resilient, fast, and low effort solution, you can use CsvHelper which handles a lot of code and edge cases and has pretty good documentation

First, install the CsvHelper package on Nuget

CsvHelper nuget download

a) CSV with Headers

If your csv has headers like this:

sport,date,team 1,team 2,score 1,score 2

You can add attributes to your class to map the field names to your class names like this:

public class SportStats
    public string Sport { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    [Name("team 1")]
    public string TeamOne { get; set; }
    [Name("team 2")]
    public string TeamTwo { get; set; }
    [Name("score 1")]
    public int ScoreOne { get; set; }
    [Name("score 2")]
    public int ScoreTwo { get; set; }

And then invoke like this:

List<SportStats> records;

using (var reader = new StreamReader(@".\stats.csv"))
using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader))
    records = csv.GetRecords<SportStats>().ToList();

b) CSV without Headers

If your csv doesn’t have headers like this:


You can add attributes to your class and map to the CSV ordinally by position like this:

public class SportStats
    public string Sport { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public string TeamOne { get; set; }
    public string TeamTwo { get; set; }
    public int ScoreOne { get; set; }
    public int ScoreTwo { get; set; }

And then invoke like this:

List<SportStats> records;

using (var reader = new StreamReader(@".\stats.csv"))
using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader))
    csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = false;
    records = csv.GetRecords<SportStats>().ToList();

Further Reading

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