How to let the sortedArrayUsingSelector using integer to sort instead of String?

Expanding on Paul Lynch’s answer, here’s an example I have doing exactly this using a comparison method as a category on NSString. This code handles only the case of numbers followed by optional non-numeric qualifiers, but you could extend it to handle cases like “1a10” etc. if desired.

Once you create the category method, you just need to do

[[myData allKeys]sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(psuedoNumericCompare:)];

@interface NSString (Support) 
- (NSComparisonResult) psuedoNumericCompare:(NSString *)otherString;

@implementation NSString (Support) 

// "psuedo-numeric" comparison
//   -- if both strings begin with digits, numeric comparison on the digits
//   -- if numbers equal (or non-numeric), caseInsensitiveCompare on the remainder

- (NSComparisonResult) psuedoNumericCompare:(NSString *)otherString {

    NSString *left  = self;
    NSString *right = otherString;
    NSInteger leftNumber, rightNumber;

    NSScanner *leftScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:left];
    NSScanner *rightScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:right];

    // if both begin with numbers, numeric comparison takes precedence
    if ([leftScanner scanInteger:&leftNumber] && [rightScanner scanInteger:&rightNumber]) {
        if (leftNumber < rightNumber)
            return NSOrderedAscending;
        if (leftNumber > rightNumber)
            return NSOrderedDescending;

        // if numeric values tied, compare the rest 
        left = [left substringFromIndex:[leftScanner scanLocation]];
        right = [right substringFromIndex:[rightScanner scanLocation]];

    return [left caseInsensitiveCompare:right];

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