How to lock down paths in ASP.NET MVC?

Take a look at Securing your ASP.NET MVC 4 App and the new AllowAnonymous Attribute.

You cannot use routing or web.config files to secure your MVC application (Any Version). The only supported way to secure your MVC application is to apply the Authorize attribute…


MVC uses routes and does not map URLs to physical file locations like WebForms, PHP and traditional web servers. Therefore using web.config will definitely open a security hole in your site.

The product team will have a communication if this changes in the future, but for now it is without exception the rule.


Start with the default ASP.Net MVC project (internet/intranet).

Edit the web.config adding:

<location path="Home">
      <deny users="*">

Run the project, by default you will use the Default route /Home/Index and you see content, simply bypassing the web.config with no changes to the default template. Why? Because the ASP.Net pipeline is comparing the URL requested to the location specified in the web.config. However, after the Authorization Event has been executed in the pipeline the routing taking place (Default routing or custom routing) and allows access to the supposedly restricted area.

Additionally, any MVC Redirect() will also by-pass the same security measures as again the routing takes place after the Authorization Pipeline Event.

I don’t think anyone should accept sorta working security. Do it correctly the first time, don’t be lazy and use something that wasn’t designed to be used with a specific technology.

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