Visual Studio 2013 – No Visual Basic/Visual C# Web Templates Installed

I think that “Re-install Visual Studio from scratch” is not a solution.

I have faced with the described problem and found much faster way to fix it:

  1. First of all, try to repair Visual Studio installation (in “Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features” find your Visual Studio, right-click and select “Repair”). Reboot after (!).
  2. Check if template appeared in the Visual Studio. If not, then: in the “Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features” make sure that you have “Microsoft Web Platform Installer 4.x” installed (I have 4.6 version). If not – install it from here:
  3. Run “Web Platform Installer” (it should be here: “%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebPlatformInstaller.exe”)
  4. On the “Products” tab find the line “Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 for Visual Studio 2013” (make sure that it is not for 2012!). If line has “Add” button on the right side enabled, then click it and install the tools. Reboot PC (!) and you should have your ASP.NET project template back.
  5. If line says “Installed”, then you should repair it via “Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features”, just find “Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 -Visual Studio 2013”, right-click and select “Repair”). Reboot PC (!) and you should have your ASP.NET project template back!


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