How to pivot in SQLite or i.e. select in wide format a table stored in long format?

Here is the SQL to create the schema for this example. For anyone who wants to try the solution from @Eric.

create table markdetails (studid, subjectid, marks);
create table student_info (studid, name);

insert into markdetails values('A1', 3, 50);
insert into markdetails values('A1', 4, 60);
insert into markdetails values('A1', 5, 70);
insert into markdetails values('B1', 3, 60);
insert into markdetails values('B1', 4, 80);
insert into markdetails values('C1', 5, 95);

insert into student_info values('A1', 'Raam');
insert into student_info values('B1', 'Vivek');
insert into student_info values('C1', 'Alex');

Here is an alternative solution using case with group by.

    sum(case when md.subjectid = 3 then md.marks end) subjectid_3,
    sum(case when md.subjectid = 4 then md.marks end) subjectid_4,
    sum(case when md.subjectid = 5 then md.marks end) subjectid_5
from student_info si
join markdetails md on
        md.studid = si.studid
group by si.studid,

For comparison, here is the same select statement from @Eric’s solution:

    s3.marks as subjectid_3,
    s4.marks as subjectid_4,
    s5.marks as subjectid_5
    student_info u
    left outer join markdetails s3 on
        u.stuid = s3.stuid
        and s3.subjectid = 3
    left outer join markdetails s4 on
        u.stuid = s4.stuid
        and s4.subjectid = 4
    left outer join markdetails s5 on
        u.stuid = s5.stuid
        and s5.subjectid = 5

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