How to prevent duplicate usernames when people register?

The best way to prevent duplicate usernames in the database is to make the database column PRIMARY KEY or mark it as UNIQUE.

-- Make it a primary key
-- or set it to be unique
ALTER TABLE users ADD UNIQUE (username);

This will prevent duplicate records in the table with the same username. When you try to insert the same one then an error will be generated.

You can then catch the exception in PHP and check the reason. The duplicate constraint SQL error code is 1062.

Here is an example of how to catch this error when using PDO:

$error = [];

$pdo = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;charset=utf8mb4", 'user', 'password', [
    \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION,  // make sure the error reporting is enabled!

try {
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO users(username) VALUE(?)');
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
    if ($e->errorInfo[1] === 1062) {
        $error[] = "This username is already taken!";
    } else {
        throw $e; // let the exception to be processed further 

Here is an example of how to catch this error when using mysqli:

$error = [];

// make sure the error reporting is enabled!
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'user', 'password', 'test');

try {
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare('INSERT INTO users(username) VALUE(?)');
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $username);
} catch (\mysqli_sql_exception $e) {
    if ($e->getCode() === 1062) {
        $error[] = "This username is already taken!";
    } else {
        throw $e; // let the exception to be processed further 

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