How to produce “human readable” strings to represent a TimeSpan

To get rid of the complex if and switch constructs you can use a Dictionary lookup for the correct format string based on TotalSeconds and a CustomFormatter to format the supplied Timespan accordingly.

public string GetReadableTimespan(TimeSpan ts)
     // formats and its cutoffs based on totalseconds
     var cutoff = new SortedList<long, string> { 
       {59, "{3:S}" }, 
       {60, "{2:M}" },
       {60*60-1, "{2:M}, {3:S}"},
       {60*60, "{1:H}"},
       {24*60*60-1, "{1:H}, {2:M}"},
       {24*60*60, "{0:D}"},
       {Int64.MaxValue , "{0:D}, {1:H}"}

     // find nearest best match
     var find = cutoff.Keys.ToList()
     // negative values indicate a nearest match
     var near = find<0?Math.Abs(find)-1:find;
     // use custom formatter to get the string
     return String.Format(
         new HMSFormatter(), 

// formatter for forms of
// seconds/hours/day
public class HMSFormatter:ICustomFormatter, IFormatProvider
    // list of Formats, with a P customformat for pluralization
    static Dictionary<string, string> timeformats = new Dictionary<string, string> {
        {"S", "{0:P:Seconds:Second}"},
        {"M", "{0:P:Minutes:Minute}"},
        {"D", "{0:P:Days:Day}"}

    public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
        return String.Format(new PluralFormatter(),timeformats[format], arg);

    public object GetFormat(Type formatType)
        return formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter)?this:null;

// formats a numeric value based on a format P:Plural:Singular
public class PluralFormatter:ICustomFormatter, IFormatProvider

   public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
     if (arg !=null)
         var parts = format.Split(':'); // ["P", "Plural", "Singular"]

         if (parts[0] == "P") // correct format?
            // which index postion to use
            int partIndex = (arg.ToString() == "1")?2:1;
            // pick string (safe guard for array bounds) and format
            return String.Format("{0} {1}", arg, (parts.Length>partIndex?parts[partIndex]:""));               
     return String.Format(format, arg);

   public object GetFormat(Type formatType)
       return formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter)?this:null;

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