How to remove/omit smaller contour lines using matplotlib

General idea

Your question seems to have 2 very different halves: one about omitting small contours, and another one about smoothing the contour lines. The latter is simpler, since I can’t really think of anything else other than decreasing the resolution of your contour() call, just like you said.

As for removing a few contour lines, here’s a solution which is based on directly removing contour lines individually. You have to loop over the collections of the object returned by contour(), and for each element check each Path, and delete the ones you don’t need. Redrawing the figure‘s canvas will get rid of the unnecessary lines:

# dummy example based on matplotlib.pyplot.clabel example:
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import as cm
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

delta = 0.025
x = np.arange(-3.0, 3.0, delta)
y = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, delta)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Z2 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 1)
# difference of Gaussians
Z = 10.0 * (Z2 - Z1)

CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z)

for level in CS.collections:
    for kp,path in reversed(list(enumerate(level.get_paths()))):
        # go in reversed order due to deletions!

        # include test for "smallness" of your choice here:
        # I'm using a simple estimation for the diameter based on the
        #    x and y diameter...
        verts = path.vertices # (N,2)-shape array of contour line coordinates
        diameter = np.max(verts.max(axis=0) - verts.min(axis=0))

        if diameter<1: # threshold to be refined for your actual dimensions!
            del(level.get_paths()[kp])  # no remove() for Path objects:(

# this might be necessary on interactive sessions: redraw figure

Here’s the original(left) and the removed version(right) for a diameter threshold of 1 (note the little piece of the 0 level at the top):

original for reference remove smaller than d=1

Note that the top little line is removed while the huge cyan one in the middle doesn’t, even though both correspond to the same collections element i.e. the same contour level. If we didn’t want to allow this, we could’ve called CS.collections[k].remove(), which would probably be a much safer way of doing the same thing (but it wouldn’t allow us to differentiate between multiple lines corresponding to the same contour level).

To show that fiddling around with the cut-off diameter works as expected, here’s the result for a threshold of 2:

result with threshold of 2

All in all it seems quite reasonable.

Your actual case

Since you’ve added your actual data, here’s the application to your case. Note that you can directly generate the levels in a single line using np, which will almost give you the same result. The exact same can be achieved in 2 lines (generating an arange, then selecting those that fall between p1 and p2). Also, since you’re setting levels in the call to contour, I believe the V=2 part of the function call has no effect.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# insert actual data here...
Z = np.loadtxt('mslp.txt',delimiter=",")
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,300000,Z.shape[1]),np.linspace(0,200000,Z.shape[0]))
p1,p2 = 1006,1018

# this is almost the same as the original, although it will produce
# [p1, p1+2, ...] instead of `[Z.min()+n, Z.min()+n+2, ...]`
levels = np.arange(np.maximum(Z.min(),p1),np.minimum(Z.max(),p2),2)

CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, colors="b", linewidths=2, levels=levels)

CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, colors="b", linewidths=2, levels=levels)

for level in CS.collections:
    for kp,path in reversed(list(enumerate(level.get_paths()))):
        # go in reversed order due to deletions!

        # include test for "smallness" of your choice here:
        # I'm using a simple estimation for the diameter based on the
        #    x and y diameter...
        verts = path.vertices # (N,2)-shape array of contour line coordinates
        diameter = np.max(verts.max(axis=0) - verts.min(axis=0))

        if diameter<15000: # threshold to be refined for your actual dimensions!
            del(level.get_paths()[kp])  # no remove() for Path objects:(

# this might be necessary on interactive sessions: redraw figure

Results, original(left) vs new(right):

before after

Smoothing by resampling

I’ve decided to tackle the smoothing problem as well. All I could come up with is downsampling your original data, then upsampling again using griddata (interpolation). The downsampling part could also be done with interpolation, although the small-scale variation in your input data might make this problem ill-posed. So here’s the crude version:

import scipy.interpolate as interp   #the new one

# assume you have X,Y,Z,levels defined as before

# start resampling stuff
dN = 10 # use every dN'th element of the gridded input data
my_slice = [slice(None,None,dN),slice(None,None,dN)]

# downsampled data
X2,Y2,Z2 = X[my_slice],Y[my_slice],Z[my_slice]
# same as X2 = X[::dN,::dN] etc.

# upsampling with griddata over original mesh
Zsmooth = interp.griddata(np.array([X2.ravel(),Y2.ravel()]).T,Z2.ravel(),(X,Y),method='cubic')

# plot
CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Zsmooth, colors="b", linewidths=2, levels=levels)

You can freely play around with the grids used for interpolation, in this case I just used the original mesh, as it was at hand. You can also play around with different kinds of interpolation: the default 'linear' one will be faster, but less smooth.

Result after downsampling(left) and upsampling(right):

after downsample after upsample

Of course you should still apply the small-line-removal algorithm after this resampling business, and keep in mind that this heavily distorts your input data (since if it wasn’t distorted, then it wouldn’t be smooth). Also, note that due to the crude method used in the downsampling step, we introduce some missing values near the top/right edges of the region under consideraton. If this is a problem, you should consider doing the downsampling based on griddata as I’ve noted earlier.

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