how to require from URL in Node.js

You can fetch module using http.get method and execute it in the sandbox using vm module methods runInThisContext and runInNewContext.


var http = require('http')
  , vm = require('vm')
  , concat = require('concat-stream'); // this is just a helper to receive the
                                       // http payload in a single callback
                                       // see

    host: '', 
    port: 80, 
    path: '/hello.js'
  function(res) {
    res.pipe(concat({ encoding: 'string' }, function(remoteSrc) {
      vm.runInThisContext(remoteSrc, 'remote_modules/hello.js');

IMO, execution of the remote code inside server application runtime may be reasonable in the case without alternatives. And only if you trust to the remote service and the network between.

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