How to run a command in Visual Studio Code with launch.json

You can define a task in your tasks.json file and specify that as the preLaunchTask in your launch.json and the task will be executed before debugging begins.


In tasks.json:

For version 0.1.0:

    "version": "0.1.0",
    "tasks": [{
        "taskName": "echotest",
        "command": "echo", // Could be any other shell command
        "args": ["test"],
        "isShellCommand": true

For version 2.0.0 (newer and recommended):

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [{
        "label": "echotest",
        "command": "echo", // Could be any other shell command
        "args": ["test"],
        "type": "shell"

In launch.json:

    "configurations": [
            // ...
            "preLaunchTask": "echotest", // The name of the task defined above
            // ...

Tasks documentation:

Launch configuration:

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