How to show Messagebox after few clicks in C# [closed]

If the user has clicked on the button 10 times then it should appear a messagebox

It’s not clear why you’re trying to use a loop for this. There’s nothing over which to iterate in the description. You’re simply incrementing a counter with each click and performing an action when the counter equals a given value.

First you need to track the number of clicks. A class-level property should do the trick:

private int NumberOfClicks { get; set; }

Then in your click handler, you increment it:


Each time it’s incremented, check if it’s at 10 yet and show the message:

if (NumberOfClicks == 10)
    MessageBox.Show("some message");

(You could additionally reset the counter in the if block, so that the message is shown every 10 clicks. Or check if NumberOfClicks % 10 == 0 for the same effect. Etc.)

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