How to Start a Process Unelevated

I had best results by cloning Explorer’s token as follows:

var shellWnd = WinAPI.GetShellWindow();
if (shellWnd == IntPtr.Zero)
    throw new Exception("Could not find shell window");

uint shellProcessId;
WinAPI.GetWindowThreadProcessId(shellWnd, out shellProcessId);

var hShellProcess = WinAPI.OpenProcess(0x00000400 /* QueryInformation */, false, shellProcessId);

var hShellToken = IntPtr.Zero;
if (!WinAPI.OpenProcessToken(hShellProcess, 2 /* TOKEN_DUPLICATE */, out hShellToken))
    throw new Win32Exception();

var hToken = IntPtr.Zero;
WinAPI.DuplicateTokenEx(hShellToken, tokenAccess, IntPtr.Zero, 2 /* SecurityImpersonation */, 1 /* TokenPrimary */, out hToken);

var si = new WinAPI.STARTUPINFO();
si.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(si);
if (!WinAPI.CreateProcessWithTokenW(hToken, 0, null, cmdArgs, 0, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref si, out pi))
    throw new Win32Exception();

Alternative approach

Originally I went with drf’s excellent answer, but expanded it somewhat. If the above (clone Explorer’s token) is not to your liking, keep reading but see a gotcha at the very end.

When using drf’s method as described, the process is started without administrative access, but it still has a high integrity level. A typical un-elevated process has a medium integrity level.

Try this: use Process Hacker to see the properties of the process started this way; you will see that PH considers the process to be elevated even though it doesn’t have administrative access. Add an Integrity column and you’ll see it’s “High”.

The fix is reasonably simple: after using SaferComputeTokenFromLevel, we need to change the token integrity level to Medium. The code to do this might look something like this (converted from MSDN sample):

// Get the Medium Integrity SID
if (!WinAPI.ConvertStringSidToSid("S-1-16-8192", out pMediumIntegritySid))
    throw new Win32Exception();

// Construct a structure describing the token integrity level
TIL.Label.Attributes = 0x00000020 /* SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY */;
TIL.Label.Sid = pMediumIntegritySid;
pTIL = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf<TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL>());
Marshal.StructureToPtr(TIL, pTIL, false);

// Modify the token
if (!WinAPI.SetTokenInformation(hToken, 25 /* TokenIntegrityLevel */, pTIL,
                                (uint) Marshal.SizeOf<TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL>()
                                + WinAPI.GetLengthSid(pMediumIntegritySid)))
    throw new Win32Exception();

Alas, this still doesn’t really solve the problem completely. The process won’t have administrative access; it won’t have a high integrity, but it will still have a token that’s marked as “elevated”.

Whether this is a problem for you or not I don’t know, but it may have been why I ended up cloning Explorer’s token in the end, as described at the start of this answer.

Here is my full source code (modified drf’s answer), in all its P/Invoke glory:

var hSaferLevel = IntPtr.Zero;
var hToken = IntPtr.Zero;
var pMediumIntegritySid = IntPtr.Zero;
var pTIL = IntPtr.Zero;
    var si = new WinAPI.STARTUPINFO();
    si.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(si);
    var processAttributes = new WinAPI.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    var threadAttributes = new WinAPI.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
    var args = CommandRunner.ArgsToCommandLine(Args);

    if (!WinAPI.SaferCreateLevel(WinAPI.SaferScopes.User, WinAPI.SaferLevels.NormalUser, 1, out hSaferLevel, IntPtr.Zero))
        throw new Win32Exception();

    if (!WinAPI.SaferComputeTokenFromLevel(hSaferLevel, IntPtr.Zero, out hToken, WinAPI.SaferComputeTokenFlags.None, IntPtr.Zero))
        throw new Win32Exception();

    if (!WinAPI.ConvertStringSidToSid("S-1-16-8192", out pMediumIntegritySid))
        throw new Win32Exception();
    TIL.Label.Attributes = 0x00000020 /* SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY */;
    TIL.Label.Sid = pMediumIntegritySid;
    pTIL = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf<TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL>());
    Marshal.StructureToPtr(TIL, pTIL, false);
    if (!WinAPI.SetTokenInformation(hToken, 25 /* TokenIntegrityLevel */, pTIL, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf<TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL>() + WinAPI.GetLengthSid(pMediumIntegritySid)))
        throw new Win32Exception();

    if (!WinAPI.CreateProcessAsUser(hToken, null, commandLine, ref processAttributes, ref threadAttributes, true, 0, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref si, out pi))
        throw new Win32Exception();
    if (hToken != IntPtr.Zero && !WinAPI.CloseHandle(hToken))
        throw new Win32Exception();
    if (pMediumIntegritySid != IntPtr.Zero && WinAPI.LocalFree(pMediumIntegritySid) != IntPtr.Zero)
        throw new Win32Exception();
    if (pTIL != IntPtr.Zero)
    if (pi.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero && !WinAPI.CloseHandle(pi.hProcess))
        throw new Win32Exception();
    if (pi.hThread != IntPtr.Zero && !WinAPI.CloseHandle(pi.hThread))
        throw new Win32Exception();

And here are the P/Invoke definitions you’ll need in addition to those listed in drf’s answer:

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern Boolean SetTokenInformation(IntPtr TokenHandle, int TokenInformationClass,
    IntPtr TokenInformation, UInt32 TokenInformationLength);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);

public static extern uint GetLengthSid(IntPtr pSid);

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool ConvertStringSidToSid(
    string StringSid,
    out IntPtr ptrSid);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr LocalFree(IntPtr hMem);

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