Inconsistency in divide-by-zero behavior between different value types

In a nutshell: the double type defines a value for infinity while the int type doesn’t. So in the double case, the result of the calculation is a value that you can actually express in the given type since it’s defined. In the int case, there is no value for infinity and thus no way to return an accurate result. Hence the exception.

VB.NET does things a little bit differently; integer division automatically results in a floating point value using the / operator. This is to allow developers to write, e.g., the expression 1 / 2, and have it evaluate to 0.5, which some would consider intuitive. If you want to see behavior consistent with C#, try this:

Console.WriteLine(1 \ 0)

Note the use of the integer division operator (\, not /) above. I believe you’ll get an exception (or a compile error–not sure which).

Similarly, try this:

Dim x As Object = 1 / 0

The above code will output System.Double.

As for the point about imprecision, here’s another way of looking at it. It isn’t that the double type has no value for exactly zero (it does); rather, the double type is not meant to provide mathematically exact results in the first place. (Certain values can be represented exactly, yes. But calculations give no promise of accuracy.) After all, the value of the mathematical expression 1 / 0 is not defined (last I checked). But 1 / x approaches infinity as x approaches zero. So from this perspective if we cannot represent most fractions n / m exactly anyway, it makes sense to treat the x / 0 case as approximate and give the value it approaches–again, infinity is defined, at least.

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