How To Test if Type is Primitive

You can use the property Type.IsPrimitive, but be carefull because there are some types that we can think that are primitives, but they aren´t, for example Decimal and String.

Edit 1: Added sample code

Here is a sample code:

if (t.IsPrimitive || t == typeof(Decimal) || t == typeof(String) || ... )
    // Is Primitive, or Decimal, or String

Edit 2: As @SLaks comments, there are other types that maybe you want to treat as primitives, too. I think that you´ll have to add this variations one by one.

Edit 3: IsPrimitive = (Boolean, Byte, SByte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, IntPtr, UIntPtr, Char, Double, and Single),
Anther Primitive-Like type to check (t == typeof(DateTime))

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