How to Trace CMakeLists.txt [duplicate]

There is no CMake debugger or similar¹. What you can do is:

  1. Read the output of CMake, sometimes it already gives hints like “missing INCLUDE_MYLIB_DIR”). Delete you CMakeCache.txt and/or remove the build directory, to be sure you don’t miss output because the result was cached. Repeat and check whether caching had an influence. You get more warnings (those meant for the author/developer of the CMake script, not for the user) with -Wdev. More helpful options are --warn-uninitialized, --warn-unused-vars and --check-system-vars, see the documentation for more details.

  2. Check the generated files like the CMakeCache.txt and additional files you generate like a config.h or input files for Doxygen. Variables with values you expect different, are indicators for further research.

  3. Have a look into CMakeError.log and CMakeOuput.log in the CMakeFiles sub-directory. Unfortunately, many test do not write into these files, but some do. For example C compiler runs put the compiler output there, which helps to find the problem with unintended flags or wrong (cross-)compilers.

  4. Debug with printf. This means when you roughly know where you problem is located, output intermediate variables with message. That is helpful, when you don’t know how a branch or a sub-expression (a part of a expression with AND or OR) is evaluated. Further you can put messages like “in branch where mylib version is > 3.2” inside to follow the workflow.

  5. Reduce complexity. Throw everything out you don’t know, until your problem vanishes. Add the stuff again until the problem reappears. Sometimes it is easier to start a new module to reproduce the problem with a minimal example. Surprisingly, this often helps to pinpoint the problem.

  6. Debug with --debug-output (for debug output) --trace (complete trace) and --trace-expand (trace and expanded variables). For these it is extremely helpful to make progress with point 5., because otherwise the output will flood you.

¹Well, there are the steveire’s CMake Daemon Tools. I haven’t used them myself, but they claim to offer possibilities for introspection that seem to be pretty close to a debugger.
Edit: They are now called CMake-server and are going to be part of CMake 3.7. You can expect that many tools and IDEs will pick this up and improve the way we develop CMake.

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