How to use Annotations with iBatis (myBatis) for an IN query?

I believe the answer is the same as is given in this question. You can use myBatis Dynamic SQL in your annotations by doing the following:

         "SELECT *", 
         "FROM blog",
         "WHERE id IN", 
           "<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='list'",
             "open='(' separator="," close=")">",
List<Blog> selectBlogs(@Param("list") int[] ids);

The <script> element enables dynamic SQL parsing and execution for the annotation. It must be very first content of the query string. Nothing must be in front of it, not even white space.

Note that the variables that you can use in the various XML script tags follow the same naming conventions as regular queries, so if you want to refer to your method arguments using names other than “param1”, “param2”, etc… you need to prefix each argument with an @Param annotation.

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