How to use the .NET Timer class to trigger an event at a specific time?

How about something like this, using the System.Threading.Timer class?

var t = new Timer(TimerCallback);

// Figure how much time until 4:00
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime fourOClock = DateTime.Today.AddHours(16.0);

// If it's already past 4:00, wait until 4:00 tomorrow    
if (now > fourOClock)
    fourOClock = fourOClock.AddDays(1.0);

int msUntilFour = (int)((fourOClock - now).TotalMilliseconds);

// Set the timer to elapse only once, at 4:00.
t.Change(msUntilFour, Timeout.Infinite);

Note that if you use a System.Threading.Timer, the callback specified by TimerCallback will be executed on a thread pool (non-UI) thread—so if you’re planning on doing something with your UI at 4:00, you’ll have to marshal the code appropriately (e.g., using Control.Invoke in a Windows Forms app, or Dispatcher.Invoke in a WPF app).

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