How to write UTF-8 characters using bulk insert in SQL Server?

I came here before looking for a solution for bulk inserting special characters.
Didn’t like the workaround with UTF-16 (that would double the size of csv file).
I found out that you definitely CAN and it’s very easy, you don’t need a format file.
This answer is for other people who are looking for the same, since it doesn’t seem to be documented well anywhere, and I believe this is a very common issue for non-english speaking people. The solution is:
just add CODEPAGE=’65001′ inside the with statement of the bulk insert. (65001=codepage number for UTF-8).
Might not work for all unicode characters as suggested by Michael O, but at least it works perfect for latin-extended, greek and cyrillic, probably many others too.

Note: MSDN documentation says utf-8 is not supported, don’t believe it, for me this works perfect in SQL server 2008, didn’t try other versions however.


BULK INSERT #myTempTable 
FROM  'D:\somefolder\myCSV.txt'+
        CODEPAGE = '65001',
        FIELDTERMINATOR = '|',
        ROWTERMINATOR ='\n'

If all your special characters are in 160-255 (iso-8859-1 or windows-1252), you could also use:

BULK INSERT #myTempTable 
FROM  'D:\somefolder\myCSV.txt'+
        CODEPAGE = 'ACP',
        FIELDTERMINATOR = '|',
        ROWTERMINATOR ='\n'

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