HTML Form: POST an array of objects

tl;dr: Add empty brackets ([]) after students to the input names.

Fiddling with Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query it seems you can get the payload you want like this:

<!-- first student -->
<input type="text" name="students[][first]">
<input type="text" name="students[][last]">
<input type="text" name="students[][age]">

<!-- second student -->
<input type="text" name="students[][first]">
<input type="text" name="students[][last]">
<input type="text" name="students[][age]">

Note the empty brackets ([]) after students. This tells Rack you want the students param to be an array. Subsequent params encountered (with the same name) will start a new element.

POST /myroute?students[][first]=foo&students[][last]=bar&students[][age]=21&students[][first]=baz&students[][last]=qux&students[][age]=19

Gets parsed like this:

{"students" => [
    "first" => "foo",
     "last" => "bar",
      "age" => "21"
    "first" => "baz",
     "last" => "qux",
      "age" => "19"

Further reading:

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