I have developed a WordPress website using localhost.How can I give that to my client?

I’m not sure I fully understand as the question could hit a few different scenarios.
I’m assuming for localhost you mean you’ve developed the application locally, therefore you could move your local application to the live site – for a simple guide on how to do this check out: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-move-wordpress-from-local-server-to-live-site/

The idea of local development is that the application is built locally on your machine, for this to be available to everyone, the project needs to be deployed to live (i.e the files transferred to a live site).
You could then provide your client with the domain address or hand over the account completely – I suppose that process is up to you.

It’s probably a good idea if you are interested to have a read through the different types of environments developers use for their projects – development, testing, staging, production. To read more have a look here: https://codewithintent.com/different-types-of-development-environments/

I hope this helps!

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