Ignore certain exceptions when using Xcode’s All Exceptions breakpoint

For Core Data exceptions, what I typically do is remove the “All Exceptions” breakpoint from Xcode and instead:

  1. Add a Symbolic Breakpoint on objc_exception_throw
  2. Set a Condition on the Breakpoint to (BOOL)(! (BOOL)[[(NSException *)$x0 className] hasPrefix:@"_NSCoreData"])

The configured breakpoint should look something like this:
Configuring the Breakpoint

This will ignore any private Core Data exceptions (as determined by the class name being prefixed by _NSCoreData) that are used for control flow. Note that the appropriate register is going to be dependent on the target device / simulator that you are running in. Take a look at this table for reference.

Note that this technique can be adapted easily to other conditionals. The tricky part was in crafting the BOOL and NSException casts to get lldb happy with the condition.

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