Implement async/await in sort function of arrays javascript

sort does not take an asynchronous callback. It expects a numeric value as the return value, not a promise for one; and it does return an array not a promise. There’s no way around this (though one could implement a custom asynchronous sorting algorithm – even a parallel one).

But that’s pretty inefficient anyway. Doing asynchronous fetching of compare values in every sort step will be slow – and it will fetch the same value per element multiple times. Don’t do that. Instead, use a Schwartzian transform to fetch the values to sort by before, then sort (synchronously), then use the results.

You should do

const elements = await this;
const arrayOfElementFinders = elements.slice(0, 3); // or Array.from?
const comparableArray = await Promise.all( x => [await x.getText(), x]));
comparableArray.sort((a, b) => +(a[0] > b[0]) || -(a[0] < b[0]));
const sortedArray = => x[1]);
console.log('array sorted');

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