Import multiple excel files into python pandas and concatenate them into one dataframe

As mentioned in the comments, one error you are making is that you are looping over an empty list.

Here is how I would do it, using an example of having 5 identical Excel files that are appended one after another.

(1) Imports:

import os
import pandas as pd

(2) List files:

path = os.getcwd()
files = os.listdir(path)


 'Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 7.15.45 PM.png',
 'test1 2.xls',
 'test1 3.xls',
 'test1 4.xls',
 'test1 5.xls',
 'Werewolf Modelling',
 '~$Random Numbers.xlsx']

(3) Pick out ‘xls’ files:

files_xls = [f for f in files if f[-3:] == 'xls']


['test1 2.xls', 'test1 3.xls', 'test1 4.xls', 'test1 5.xls', 'test1.xls']

(4) Initialize empty dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame()

(5) Loop over list of files to append to empty dataframe:

for f in files_xls:
    data = pd.read_excel(f, 'Sheet1')
    df = df.append(data)

(6) Enjoy your new dataframe. 🙂



  Result  Sample
0      a       1
1      b       2
2      c       3
3      d       4
4      e       5
5      f       6
6      g       7
7      h       8
8      i       9
9      j      10
0      a       1
1      b       2
2      c       3
3      d       4
4      e       5
5      f       6
6      g       7
7      h       8
8      i       9
9      j      10
0      a       1
1      b       2
2      c       3
3      d       4
4      e       5
5      f       6
6      g       7
7      h       8
8      i       9
9      j      10
0      a       1
1      b       2
2      c       3
3      d       4
4      e       5
5      f       6
6      g       7
7      h       8
8      i       9
9      j      10
0      a       1
1      b       2
2      c       3
3      d       4
4      e       5
5      f       6
6      g       7
7      h       8
8      i       9
9      j      10

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