Can Pandas read and modify a single Excel file worksheet (tab) without modifying the rest of the file?

I had a similar question regarding the interaction between excel and python (in particular, pandas), and I was referred to this question.

Thanks to some pointers by stackoverflow community, I found a package called xlwings that seems to cover a lot of the functionalities HaPsantran required.

To use the OP’s example:

Working with an existing excel file, you can drop an anchor in the data block (Sheet3) you want to import to pandas by naming it in excel and do:

# opened an existing excel file

wb = Workbook(Existing_file)

# Find in the excel file a named cell and reach the boundary of the cell block (boundary defined by empty column / row) and read the cell 

df = Range(Anchor).table.value

# import pandas and manipulate the data block
df = pd.DataFrame(df) # into Pandas DataFrame
df['sum'] = df.sum(axis= 1)

# write back to Sheet3
Range(Anchor).value = df.values

tested that this implementation didn’t temper existing formula in the excel file

Let me know if this solves your problem and if there’s anything I can help.

Big kudos to the developer of xlwings, they made this possible.

Below is an update to my earlier answer after further question from @jamzsabb, and to reflect a changed API after xlwings updated to >= 0.9.0.

import xlwings as xw
import pandas as pd
target_df = xw.Range('A7').options(pd.DataFrame, expand='table').value # only do this if the 'A7' cell (the cell within area of interest) is in active worksheet
#otherwise do:
#sht = xw.Book(r'path to your xlxs file\name_of_file.xlsx`).sheets['name of sheet']
#target_df = sht.Range('A7').options(pd.DataFrame, expand='table').value # you can also change 'A7' to any name that you've given to a cell like 'interest_table`

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