Importing classes from different files in a subdirectory

Although the names used there are different from what’s shown in your question’s directory structure, you could use my answer to the question titled Namespacing and classes. The shown there would have also allowed the script to have been written this way (package maps to subdir in your question, and Class1 to myclass01, etc):

from package import *

print Class1
print Class2
print Class3

Revision (updated):

Oops, sorry, the code in my other answer doesn’t quite do what you want — it only automatically imports the names of any package submodules. To make it also import the named attributes from each submodule requires a few more lines of code. Here’s a modified version of the package’s file (which also works in Python 3.4.1):

def _import_package_files():
    """ Dynamically import all the public attributes of the python modules in this
        file's directory (the package directory) and return a list of their names.
    import os
    exports = []
    globals_, locals_ = globals(), locals()
    package_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    package_name = os.path.basename(package_path)

    for filename in os.listdir(package_path):
        modulename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if modulename[0] != '_' and ext in ('.py', '.pyw'):
            subpackage="{}.{}".format(package_name, modulename) # pkg relative
            module = __import__(subpackage, globals_, locals_, [modulename])
            modict = module.__dict__
            names = (modict['__all__'] if '__all__' in modict else
                     [name for name in modict if name[0] != '_'])  # all public
            globals_.update((name, modict[name]) for name in names)

    return exports

if __name__ != '__main__':
    __all__ = ['__all__'] + _import_package_files()  # '__all__' in __all__

Alternatively you can put the above into a separate .py module file of its own in the package directory—such as—and use it from the package’s like this:

if __name__ != '__main__':
    from ._import_package_files import *  # defines __all__
    __all__.remove('__all__')  # prevent export (optional)

Whatever you name the file, it should be something that starts with an _ underscore character so it doesn’t try to import itself recursively.

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