Importing jQuery into Joomla

This is the code we use to ensure only 1 copy of jQuery is imported. It simply checks to see if jQuery is already being imported and if not, then we import it 🙂

Joomla 2.5

  $app = JFactory::getApplication();
  if (!$app->get('jquery'))
     $app->set('jquery', true);
     JFactory::getDocument()->addScript(JUri::root() . 'templates/template_name/js/jquery.js');

Joomla 3.x (no conflict mode):


Joomla 3.x (normal mode):

JHtml::_('jquery.framework', false);

You need to insert this code into the index.php of your template, preferably near the top so you remember where it is. If you do not wish to override your template’s index.php file, then you can also develop a small Plugin


As Bobby stated. A lot of extensions include their own copy of jQuery and a lot of them don’t use this method and thus causes conflicts. All I know is that any good developer should know that multiple jQuery libraries causes conflicts and should use this code.

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